A Comparative Analysis of Reporting Verbs in Chinese and American News Reports on the Belt and Road Initiative 中美有关”一带一路”新闻报道中转述动词的对比分析开题报告

 2023-02-22 11:36:28

1. 研究目的与意义

In the creation of news reports, in addition to objectively reporting events, journalists inevitably express their interests, as well as their views and attitudes towards objective events while conveying information about current events, to convey the position of the country and government they represent. Therefore, reporting discourse, as an important part of news discourse, has attracted the attention of academic circle. Among them, reporting verbscontains the ideology behind news reports and also plays an important role in the study of speech reporting phenomenon.“The Belt and Road” Initiative was proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in the fall of 2013. As a global public product provided by China, “the Belt and Road” Initiative has been receiving widespread attention from scholars around the world since its birth, and it is gradually becoming a hot topic in the fields of linguistics. Research on the reported speech of the Belt and Road Initiative can help us discover the ideology behind it, and help us understand the attitude of other countries towards the Belt and Road Initiative and the construction of China''s national image.

In the framework of Critical Discourse Analysis, this paper selects news reports of “the Belt and Road” Initiative from 2015 to 2019 in China Daily and the Wall Street Journal so as to explore the differences and similarities of the use of reporting verbs between them. The significance of the study is as follows.
First of all,to a certain extent it enriches the perspective of research on reporting verbs in news reports.
Secondly, this paper can also remind readers to read news with critical thinking to some extent, and arouse readers to think more about power relations and ideology hidden behind the news reports.
Most importantly, it is of great significance for Chinese news reporters to properly use reporting verbs in their writing in order to pursue high-quality news reports and improve the strength of news reports.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

Research problem: To find out the difference of reporting verbs of news discourses and their hidden ideology in China Daily and the Wall Street Journal .

The key issue to be solved: Infer the use characteristics of reporting verbs based on Fairclough''s three-dimensional analysis framework through the comparison from three perspectives: grammar, semantics and pragmatics.



3. 国内外研究现状

Studies on reported speech
Volosinov (1973, p.115) defines reported speech as speech within speech, utterance within utterance, and at the same time also speech about speech, utterance about utterance. Reported speechnot only preserves the structure and semantic autonomy of the context, but also preserves the textual structure of the context. Reported speech has its own structure in a sentence, and this completeness applies to the reporting discourse of political news discourse. It plays an important role in news reporting because most news is a mixture of news from different sources. There is no doubt that Volosinov''s (1973) discussion of speech reporting is regarded as an early attempt to explore the nature of speech reporting from the perspective of discourse. Bakhtin (1981) stressed the importance of the dynamic relationship between reported speech and its original context. Bakhtin and Volosinov studied reported speech from a pragmatic perspective. Halliday (2004) has carried out some researches on reported speech from the perspective of functional grammar. According to Halliday (2004), the kind of description about the ideas, thoughts, opinions are called projection. The two basic patterns of projection are quoting speech and reporting thought. Quote is what we called direct speech while the report is just called indirect speech. Jia [贾中恒] (2000) carried out a research whose subject is the reporting speech adjacent to the reported speech in continuous discourse and makes a feature analysis of it at formal, semantic and pragmatic levels.
In 1920s, the rapid development of mass communication attracted extensive attention in Europe and the United States, and the research on news discourse gradually was on the rise at that time. Systematic research on news began in the early 1970s, mainly from the perspective of sociology or social psychology, studying mass media institutions, media''s influence on the audience and the relationship between media and culture (Van Dijk, 1985). Scollon (2000) believes that by introducing contrastive linguistics into news studies, news discourse of different cultures can be better compared, through which people can better understand news discourse of different countries. Zhu [朱昱] (2004) compared cohesive devices in English and Chinese news reports. Gao [高小丽] (2013) made a comparative analysis of the use of reported speech in Chinese and English newspapers. And in recent years, there have been studies on international political, economic and cultural news discourse. Huang [黄雨曼] (2020) made a comparative study of reporting verbs in “trade war” hard news reports between Chinese and American daily newspapers. Guo [郭亚蒙] (2021) made a content analysis of BRI news from People’s Daily APP and the Wall Street Journal.
In general, most of the previous comparative studies have used disaster and political news discourse (Kang [康俊英]amp; Li [李风琴],2018; Wu [吴建设], Lu [卢兴苗], Zhan [詹慧文]amp; Zhu [朱瑞青],2017; Xin [辛斌]amp; Shi [时佳], 2018), but few have studied economic news discourse (Huang, 2020; Guo, 2021). At present, there is very limited research on the reporting verbs in the Belt and Road Initiative news reports (Qiu [丘巧彤], 2020). This paper helps reveal how ideology works through the choice of reporting verbs and how reporters make use of these reporting verbs to influence readers’ perception on given issues. Therefore, the comparative analysis of this paper has reference value for the research on the Belt and Road Initiative news reports.

4. 计划与进度安排



5. 参考文献

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